HydrogenPro ASA
Hydrovegen 55
3936 Porsgrunn
Our Approach
Our Targets
In the integrated report 2023, HydrogenPro presented several ambitions with relevance to environmental, social, and governance topics. We have made significant progress on some of our ambitions, while other initiatives are still yet to be launched. We will continue to strive towards reaching our ambitions, and report on our progress in a transparent and consistent matter.
Health and safety are essential for the success of HydrogenPro. One of our targets is to have less than the country average for short leave/overall leave. This applies for all our locations. Status for 2023 (annually) was 1.1% in Norway, 1.1% in Denmark, 0.8% in Germany, 1.7% in Tianjin and 0% in Shanghai.
It is our target to have zero accidents and work-related ill health at the company.
We have in 2023 achieved our target of zero accidents and work-related ill health in all our
locations, apart from our factory in Tianjin where 8 recordable incidents were registered.
This increase from the year before can be attributed to the fact that 2023 was the first full year of production in Tianjin.
Our environmental targets to date have mostly been based on the positive contribution of our electrolyzers in terms of reduced CO2 emissions. Further, the targets reflected our goal of making our electrolyzers more energy and cost efficient as well as more scalable.
When it comes to cost efficiency, tests in 2023 showed achievement of our goal to decrease levelized cost of hydrogen to USD 1.2 per kg.
Our focus going forward will be to continue our R&D efforts needed to bring the third generation electrolyzers on the market and enable more cost- and energy-efficient
hydrogen production than what is possible today.