HydrogenPro ASA
Hydrovegen 55
3936 Porsgrunn
Our Approach
Preserving the planet by mitigating climate change is the fundament of our business model.
To manufacture the electrolysers, HydrogenPro uses input factors such as materials, energy, and water, combined with our core technologies and our employees. This is the main business activity of the company, and the material topics are all related to this value chain.
As a result of the company’s business model, business activities and stakeholder assessment, the environmental, social, and government topics as considered material to HydrogenPro are as follows:
1. Efficient technology and scalability
HydrogenPro’s most material impact on our surroundings stems from our business model. Through our sold products, HydrogenPro has unlimited potential to positively impact the environment by reducing CO2 emissions and contribute to mitigating climate change supporting the green transition. The magnitude of our environmental impact is determined by our ability to get our product into the market. To succeed at this, HydrogenPro must have a leading technology making our product attractive for the end-user and the ability to scale up production of electrolysers to meet customer demands.
You can read more about “Efficient technology and scalability” in our annual report on pages 27-30.
2. Sustainable and local manufacturing and supply chains
HydrogenPro’s main business activity, the manufacturing of our electrolyser and gas separator, has significant social and environmental impact on our surroundings. Therefore, sustainable, and local manufacturing and supply chains are considered material for HydrogenPro. This is a broad topic containing several sub-topics, such as energy and water consumption, waste disposal, emissions, and supply chain management, including human rights and work conditions along the product value chain.
Although our product is having a significantly larger positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to our own climate footprint, we believe that everyone must take part in decarbonizing own industry. We strive to minimise emissions from our own manufacturing sites and to create a foundation for green growth of our operations. To achieve this, we aim to reduce emissions generated both when establishing new manufacturing sites and when operating them. This will empower us to adopt a focused and efficient strategy to reduce our own climate footprint.
You can read more about “Sustainable and local manufacturing and supply chains” in our annual report on pages 31-35.
3. Innovative product design
The product design determines the materials needed to manufacture the electrolysers, and how often the parts need to be overhauled, renovated, or changed. Thus, how we design our electrolysers is a material ESG topic for HydrogenPro. Material choices, and particularly choosing not to use certain noble materials, rare-earth elements, and PFAS have an environmental and social impact. The same goes for design for reuse and remanufacture, which prolongs the lifetime of the electrolyser and contributes to lower disposable waste. Lastly, innovative product design is a consequence of high focus on technology leadership and R&D, which contributes to both higher efficiency and safer products, both material ESG topics.
You can read more about “Innovative product design” in our annual report on pages 36-37.
4. A safe and attractive place to work
To be able to deliver on the strategic priorities of the company, HydrogenPro must be a safe and attractive place to work. This is of material importance for us, both because our success to deliver on other material ESG topics is influenced by this, and because it has a direct social impact on work-life-balance and the commitment of the employees working in HydrogenPro. Being a safe and attractive place to work ensures that we attract and hire the best candidates. HydrogenPro is a company working with high-end technology, engineering, manufacturing, and assembly. To scale up and reach our goals, having expertise and the right knowledge and employees onboard is a prerequisite for us. To be a safe and attractive workplace, we have a high focus on occupational health and safety, training and personal development, and diversity and equal opportunities.
You can read more about “A safe and attractive place to work” in our annual report on pages 38-43.