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In September HydrogenPro got the ESG Practice Pioneer Award from Dun & Bradstreet. Few players on the hydrogen value chain set social responsibility on the top of their priority list, but HydrogenPro are taking the first step as a pioneer.

PORSGRUNN, OCTOBER 03, 2023. HydrogenPro contacted Dun & Bradstreet earlier this year to perform a supplier ESG evaluation. Because ESG is very important for HydrogenPro in the long-term strategy, this was an opportunity to show the effort on ESG practice.

HydrogenPro is a listed company at Oslo Børs (Norway), and ESG policy and rating is very important. At the same time, ESG policy and rating becomes a decisive factor for getting investments and for winning projects. Most important, we care about our global supply chain performance which includes social responsibility, health, safety, and the environmental impact. We will exercise this principle to our operation globally, including China.

“In the spring 2023 we ordered this D&B’s ESG evaluation, because we want to understand the status of our supply chain regarding this area. The clear understanding of the status quo will help us to develop a plan for improvement in the ESG area.”, says Vivian Espeseth, Chief Representative for HydrogenPro China.

HydrogenPro received the ESG Practice Pioneer Award for this work at a conference in Shanghai September 6th. HydrogenPro China’s CFO Kevin Zhang was in Shanghai to receive the award.

“We care about the world! HydrogenPro put a lot of effort on social responsibilities. We are very excited to receive this award and are pleased to be a pioneer in these manners”, says Espeseth.

Covering top 15 suppliers

The ESG evaluation is covering the top 15 suppliers, selected considering both spending and future cooperation opportunities. HydrogenPro wants to add value to the entire hydrogen value chain.

“We want to differentiate us from other players by showing that we deliver more than the product itself. We like to set a good example, because we want the whole industry to move in the right direction regarding social responsibilities”, Espeseth says.

Based on the report, HydrogenPro will identify improvement areas and make a plan for carrying out optimization activities. The company will also expand its evaluation to more suppliers/sub suppliers and will continue measuring the company’s activities. The target is to be at the front edge in this area.

ESG Award China 2023